Monday, December 7, 2009

Heartache and Joy

The past few weeks have been a little rough. I can honestly say that I have struggled more lately with the fact I will never be able to carry a baby than ever before. In my heart I know that the Lord knows why and that it is His will, but the flesh of me still questions WHY? Why can people who have abortions get pregnant, and what about the people who leave their babies in dumpsters? Why?!

Last Monday we had our ladies bible study at Church. The subject was Joy. Mrs. Michelle did a great job. She asked if we knew the difference between Joy and Happiness. Happiness is a emotion, but Joy is attitude of the heart. Joy is something that lasts; happiness is something that is temporary. When happiness fades away, joy remains. Joy brings us peace in the middle of a storm. I remember her asking if we could think of a time that we asked the Lord for something and He gave it to us? Do you remember the Joy that you felt? I immediately went back to the moment I saw Cale for the first time. The thoughts of all we had been through, the good times and the bad, and where it had brought us that day. That was Joy!! A Joy like I had never felt before. Knowing in my heart that this was God's will for us.

She went on to talk about how during tough times you draw closer to the Lord. I remember that as well. I remember praying all the time for Cale. I remember being on the phone with my prayer partner and both of us pouring our heart out to the Lord for this Child. I don't remember a time in my life that I was walking closer with Him. Our God is an Amazing God!

I often think back on the road that lead us to adoption. I remember month after month being disappointed. Then to doctor visit after doctor visit. It often seemed like one discouraging event lead to another and then to another. I remember the feeling of being told I would never get pregnant on my own, and then the feeling I felt when I knew I would never carry a child at all. Those were some of the darkest times in my life. Something noone could make better.

But then I remembered the day at Victory when we were teaching Children's church. We had Josh Bush in our class. That was the day the Lord began working in my heart about adoption. I remember telling mama that I felt like God was leading us to adopt. At that time we didn't know I wouldn't be able to carry a child. I remember her telling me that I didnt need to give up yet. That the Lord had a plan for us. But the feeling I got that day was always on my mind.

We had gotten to the point where we had so much weight on our shoulders with fertility treatments that we couldn't move. It was so stressful on us. Then the day we decided adoption was the path God had for us... the weight was lifted. We had new hope! We had heard how hard adoption was and how it would take years. And how it was an emotional roller coaster. Well let me tell you... with my God, nothing is impossible!! I will not say we didn't shed tears during the process and that there weren't some dark days. But we knew in our hearts that this is where God wanted us. Looking back I see the stepping stones God put in place to get us where we are today. Sometimes in my mind when something happens, I think to myself.... Is this a stepping stone to get us closer to our next child? I am so thankful that even though we cant see things right away... that the Lord sees it for us! He sees our future and He holds it in the palm of His hand! What a JOYFUL feeling that is!!

Adopting Cale is the most rewarding thing we have ever experienced. The fact that God chose him for us! I am not sure why God put it on my heart for me to write this. It could just be the fact that I needed to get it out. I cant talk about it without crying, actually I cant even type it without crying! :) But if you or someone you know is struggling with infertility, encourage them to look into adoption. You never know what you can give a child just by loving them. You never know what you may be saving that child from. You may be the only way that child will learn about our Saviour and what He did for us!!

I am so thankful for my Husband, family, and friends who have loved and accepted Cale. He is truly a blessing and an answered prayer. The Lord showed me true Joy through this experience.

The Joy of the Lord is my Strength!

Love, Kimberly

Friday, October 30, 2009

Halloween 2009

Well this year Cale is gonna be Glenn Beck!! A while back we noticed they favored! I think he makes an awesome Glenn Beck... don't you?!

My Little Glenn Beck!

Check out the shoes lol!

I sure love him!

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Happy Fall!!

I love this time of year!! The cooler weather, the pretty leaves, thoughts of the holidays coming up and festival foods!!!

It seems like the summer came and went in the blink of an eye! What a summer it was! Cale turned 3 and we celebrated our 10th wedding anniversary! It truly amazes me how fast the time is passing.

Cale started preschool in August. He is going 4 days a week now! That is a challenge for me! I got spoiled this summer being able to take him to mamas in his pj's! Now I have to get up earlier to get myself going before I get him up! I do have to say that Cale is a morning boy!! I love the mornings with him. He is going thru this "I can do it by myself" stage. While it is really nice that he dresses himself, its really sad that this is just the first part of him not needing me as much anymore. That is hard for me to take! :) I tell him he is my baby and he replies "I'm not a baby, I am a giant boy!" LOL Well you know as well as I do he will always be my baby!!

He is learning so much in school. We love to hear him sing all the songs he is learning, and its a good thing because he sings ALL THE TIME! :) His newest song we love to hear is the weather song.

Cale is now a Cubbie in Awanas at church! He has to learn a new verse every week. He is also learning verses in Sunday School and at school. He doesn't forget ANYTHING! Sometimes that is good, other times not so good! :) For example him telling people at church last week that he has his spanking belt on today! LOL!!!

He truly is the light of our lives! I still amazes me just how many people he has in his life that love him!

We are hoping to start the adoption process soon. We found an agency out of Athens that we are looking into. We are just praying for guidance still. Its such a huge step to take, but we know Who will be holding our hands when we do take that first step. I cant help but imagine what Cale will be like with a little sister or brother! He LOVES babies!! I cant imagine loving another child like I love Cale, but I know I will. I cant wait to experience becoming a new mommy again!! As fir the sleepless nights.... not so sure!!! Would you please help us pray that the Lord will guide us in the way He wants us to go. Also if you hear of anyone looking to give their baby up for adoption, please keep us in mind!

I really cant wait to blog about our next adoption. I really wish I would have done it with Cale. Plus it will be a good way to keep everyone in the loop! :)

Well that's all for now!!!

Hopefully I will get better at blogging more than once in a blue moon!!


Monday, July 20, 2009

Wow... It's Been a While!

Mama has been on me to update my blog... I didnt realize it has been 2 months since my last post. Not that they are that interesting anyways! :)

The last 2 months have been jammed packed!! Here are a few new pictures!

We went to Arkansas the week before Memorial Day to visit Clints grandparents! This was the first time we have been out there in 9 years and the first time they have seen Cale!! We had such a great time!! The weather was so nice. Cale enjoyed playing outside most of the day. It was a special time for all of us! We are looking forward to going back next summer!!

We celebrated our 10th Wedding Anniversary on June 19! I cant believe it has been 10 years already. I am so thankful that the Lord sent Clint into my life. I am so blessed to say the least. We left for the beach on the 18th, without Cale, just us! This was the first time I have been away for Cale for any length of time. He was with his mawmaw... so I knew he was happy! We had such a great trip! On our anniversary we went to our favorite place to eat on Tybee Island, the Crab Shack! It was so good!! It was funny because every little boy we seen reminded us of our little man! We talked alot about the things that have happened since we got married. We both agreed that we would go through it all again to have Cale. I am not sure how many men would have been so supportive during the tough times. The Lord knew just who I needed. I look forward to many more years with Clint.

Well, when we got back from the beach we went from relaxation mode to Pirate Birthday Planning mode!! I really do not know where the last 3 years have gone!! I always find myself reminiscing around Cale's birthday. Our time in Oklahoma is by far the most special experience I think we will ever have. I love to think back and see how the Lord was working long before we knew His plan for us. We serve an awesome God!!

Cale was so excited about his Pirate birthday. I am so glad I started preparing a few months before the actual party! He had asked for a Pirate Ship Cake, so of course a Pirate Ship Cake he will have! haha He walked in and seen the cake and said, "Mommy, you bought it for me??" with the sweetest look on his face. I didnt care what happened from that point... my baby loved his cake!! He had all his little friends at his party and had a ball!!! It amazes me how different he is since turning 3!!

Cale on his new tri-cycle we got him for his b-day!
While we were at the beach mama started trying to potty train Cale... well guess what?! It worked!!! I am so proud how good he is doing!! Once again, he never fails to amaze me!! My baby is now a big boy!

This is Cale's face when he misses "His Lana". Barry and his family have moved back to Mississippi. As hard as it is to see them go, we feel it is the Lords will for them to be there. Cale will miss them so much too! We are excited to see what God has planned for them!!

We have started getting the word out that we would like to adopt again. There are so many things that need to work out, but we have faith that God has a way for us again! We are asking if you would just remember us if you hear of someone looking to place their baby up for adoption. Our specific prayer would be a situation thru a friend of a friend with no agency fees. We are looking forward to see what the future holds for us... whether it will be a Callee or a Cash!! I think Cale would like either!! :)

Hope you have a wonderful week!

Friday, May 15, 2009

Friday Fill In...

1. On my laziest day I like to stay in my pj's all day!

2. A clean house makes me feel like I'm being productive.

3. I love little kisses and big hugs!

4. This summer I want to take Cale back to the beach!

5. Wanting to share stories of Cale is what made me start my blog.

6. Red toenails and orange flipflops.

7. And as for the weekend, tonight I'm looking forward to grilling out with family, tomorrow my plans include shopping for new clothes before we leave for Arkansas and Sunday, I want to go to church and spend the day with my boys!

Friday, May 1, 2009

Friday Fill In... we go!

1. The first rule of working in an office and getting along is TEAMWORK.

2. Why would someone eat clams.

3. When I think of carnivals I think of COTTON CANDY!

4. TUPLIP is my favorite spring flower.

5. Things on my desk include lots and lots of pictures of Cale.

6. Obama makes me wanna puke.

7. And as for the weekend, tonight I'm looking forward to speniding time with Cale and Mama, tomorrow my plans include Spring Cleaning, Shopping, Eating out and getting my trailer hitch installed and Sunday, I want to Lay on my float in our new pool and get some sun baby!

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Wordless Wednesday...

I have days where I could do this at work!

Friday, April 24, 2009

Friday Fill In...

1. Apparently there's some sort of payment on a new car??? NO ONE TOLD ME THAT! :)

2. I am LOVIN this sunny day.

3. 2009 has been great so far.

4. HONEST MISTAKE, that was it.

5. For too long I've been too trusting.

6. I am not obsessed with my son; I am not!

7. And as for the weekend, tonight I'm looking forward to pricing stuff for the yard sale, tomorrow my plans include GARAGE SALE and hopefully making $ and Sunday, I want to rest and enjoy my family!

Friday, April 10, 2009

A Good Friday... after a not so good week!

This has been a trying week to say the least. Monday I started not to feel good and by Tuesday I was at the doctor with Strep and an ear infection! That followed by finding out my best friends sister in law lost her baby at 19 weeks and another friends dad was in the hospital not doing good. Sometimes you wonder how much more bad news you can hear in one day. Please pray for my friends family as they deal with the loss of their sweet baby and that they will not lose the desire they have for a child. I cannot begin to imagine the hurt they must be feeling. But I know the Lord has plans for them, and though we may not understand it, but this was part of that plan.

Also pray for my friend, Brittany's, dad that he will turn around. Pray that Brittany will stay strong thru this and not lose faith. He amazed the doctors a few years back with a liver transplant and I pray today he will amaze them once again. I know my God can work miracles, we have seen that.

Today is Good Friday. I think of the sacrifice Christ made for us and all that I have because of him. I am thankful that after a week like this that I can look to the Lord for encouragement. I hate to see my friends hurt like they are, but know that He can to encourage them as well.

I am looking forward to being with family this weekend as we celebrate the true meaning of Easter. Its not the Easter Bunny, the egg hunts or the new clothes. (don't get me wrong, I enjoy all these things!!!) But that our Savior rose again!! I cant help but cry as I wrote that. I have SO MUCH to thank him for. And what a great feeling to know that even when my life here is over, my time with Him is just beginning. I pray that you have the same confirmation in your heart this Easter.

Happy Easter!

Thursday, March 26, 2009

Thursday Thirteen...

13 things I look forward to this summer...

1. Warm weather!!!
2. Pool time!
3. Going to Arkansas to see Clints family
4. Our 10th Wedding Anniversary
5. Our Anniversary weekend away!
6. Cale will be 3!
7. Laying out!
8. Homemade Icecream
9. Kait and Jamii are both due!!
10. Our new church might be ready!
11. Vacation
12. Hopefully a beach trip at some point
13.Taking Cale to another Braves game!!!

Friday, March 20, 2009

I finally got it...

We went and picked up my new car last night!! I forgot just how nice it is to have something new!!

Friday, March 13, 2009

Friday Fill In...

1. Thinking of my new car is so exciting!
2. Strawberry fields make me itch.
3. Anything at this point sounds like it would taste delicious!
4. Why does sunny warm days make me feel so good?!
5. The babies we are praying for and have prayed for is something I've always wanted to see.
6. It's sad when my baby is sick.
7. And as for the weekend, tonight I'm looking forward to going to the GMC dealership and then to eat at Ted's Montana Grill, tomorrow my plans include enjoying the rain with nothing to do and Sunday, I want to nap after church!

Friday, March 6, 2009

Friday Fill In...

1. Ahhhh, it's so nice to have nothing I have to do this weekend.
2. One of my favorite things on my desk is the picture of me and Cale we had made for Clint for Fathers day last year.
3. Japanese Cherry Blossom is my favorite body spray.
4. The bathroom is my favorite place to sit and read.
5. Olive Garden salad and breadsticks is delicious!
6. I love to watch Reese Witherspoon in movies.
7. And as for the weekend, tonight I'm looking forward to enjoying the weather, tomorrow my plans include raising my windows and Sunday, I want to relax with my boys and maybe a picnic lunch!

Thursday, March 5, 2009

Thursday Thirteen...

My Great Aunt Louise passed away this past Saturday. I consider myself blessed to have not only known her, but to have loved her. The best part is, she loved me too. I have found myself thinking of her alot since she passed away. We went to Alabama for the funeral and when I saw her, she looked so pretty. She was not only pretty on the outside, but on the inside as well. Hearing what the preachers had to say about her only confirmed that. I have one regret, that is not taking Cale to see her before she got sick. I wish Cale had the opportunity to know her. She was such a special person to me and today I want to share 13 memories of my sweet Aunt Louise. I will miss her so much.

1. Her cooking... every time we visited I could always count on biscuits and salmon and eggs!!
2. Her quilts... I remember her beautiful quilts she made and her quilt holder on the ceiling.
3. I still remember one visit and she had this beautiful tree on her back patio. We asked her what it was and it was an orange tree! She said she was sitting out on the swing eating an orange and stuck a seed in the dirt and it grew!! She could grow anything!!
4. Speaking of plants, she had the prettiest yard! She worked in her yard all the time. I wish I could keep a yard as pretty as she did!
5. Her baby calf! one of the cows passed away after giving birth so she babied that little calf just like a mommy would her baby!! Bottle and All!
6. She was always staying busy. I cant recall a time we were there that she was just sitting around!
7. She thought the world of Clint... I was so thankful that she loved Clint the way she did. Clint always loved going to visit her and Uncle Monte Ray.
8. She might have been a little tiny lady, but she was stronger then most men!! haha
9. I remember when we went to Alabama and got CoCo. We went to her house afterwards and she made sure I had a blanket to keep her in so she would stay warm.
10. Her red couch out in the sunroom!
11. Her and Uncle Ray. She was such a strong person inside and out.
12. She always worried about everyone else and not herself! She wanted to make sure you were comfortable and her house and that you had everything you needed! Even if she had to cook it you would have it!!
13. And now my favorite. Her hugs!! When she hugged you, you could feel her love!! Monday night Cale was asking why she was sleeping and I tried to explain thru tears that she was with Jesus now. He just kept saying her can wake up now. Later that night I went to see her for the last time and Cale said, Her not hurt anymore mommy? I couldn't hold the tears in because he was right! She was with Jesus now and was rejoicing with NO PAIN!! She was with her mama her her husband and Jesus!! She was wonderful. Then Cale said he wanted to hug her! I thought in my mind about her hugs and what they meant to me and how bad I wish she could hug him too!

She will be missed by so many, but I know one day I will see her again!

Friday, February 27, 2009

Friday Fill In...

1. I'm going to Cancun, I'm getting a new car, I can't wait.

2. Why do I have Olive Grden cravings and not Lean cuisine cravings??

3. How does this diet work, anyway?

4. Every morning, I put Toothpaste on my toothbrush.

5. I consider myself lucky because I have Clint and Cale.

6. One day we’ll see His face.

7. And as for the weekend, tonight I'm looking forward to staying home since the weather is going to be bad, tomorrow my plans include enjoying my family and resting and Sunday, I want to play in the snow (I hope)!

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Wordless Wednesday...

Well... this isnt exactly wordless, but this video leaves me without words.

Last night I was cleaning out Cales toys to go upstairs. He kept asking me where his toys were going. I explained to him that we were going to put them upstairs until Callie gets here. He started playing then came back to me and asked if Callie was coming to his house. I explained that if God wanted her to come to our house she would, but that we needed to pray for her. I went on to tell him that the room we were in would be her room when she got here. And again told him he needed to help mommy and daddy pray for Callie to come. Well I went back to sorting toys then I heard Cale start praying!! He had laid his toys down and folded his hands together and prayed to Jesus for Callie. I cannot tell you what I felt inside, it was a mixture of pride, love, hope and joy! My little boy knows how to pray!! I begin to cry as I listened to him. I am so thankful for his teacher teaching him this. I never realized that he was old enough to understand how to pray! I asked him if he would pray again for Callie so I could tape it for her to see one day. And this one was just as sweet and he even included somemore people in this one. I hope you enjoy this as much as I do!


Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Prayers Please...

I came across this blog in one of the blogs I follow. I cannot imagine what this family must be feeling.

Friday, February 20, 2009

Friday Fill In...

1. Oh, I am so SOOOO ready for the Circus tonight!

2. Accept changes, big and little.

3. During the night, I snore.

4. Food prices at the Circus... are you kidding me???

5. Right now I'd like to be on the beach relaxing in the warm weather.

6. My cell phone is my favorite gadget.

7. And as for the weekend, tonight I'm looking forward to The Circus, tomorrow my plans include relaxing and staying warm and Sunday, I want to have a nice warm lunch then take a nap!

Thursday, February 19, 2009

Thankful Thursday...

Today I have so much to be thankful for... This week has been a rough one. Sunday Cale was so sick. I have never seen him so pitiful. His temp was over 103 and he just layed there. We ended up taking him to the Children's Health Care of Atlanta Urgent Care Center. I am so glad we did, he has pneumonia! He is doing much better today. I am so thankful for all the family and friends that have been praying for him. The Lord has blessed us with an amazing family and amazing friends. I am also Thankful that after a rough weekend things are good in the Cook House! Another praise is that my friends grandmother! She had a liver transplant last week and was doing great one day to not expected to make it the next! But today she is doing great and should be coming home in a few days. If that ain't the Lord I dont know what is!! I don't think I can say it enough, What an Awesome God we serve!!

Friday, February 13, 2009

Friday Fill In...

1. It seems like I am getting sicker.

2. Clean up when you're done, please?

3. If I thought you wouldn't get upset I'd book a cruise and surprise you!

4. Almost 10 years of memories and love is what I think of most when I think of you.

5. To me, Valentine's Day means men spend too much on flowers, Clint knows not too.

6. Faith in the Lord and my family gives me strength.

7. And as for the weekend, tonight I'm looking forward to doing nothing! ahhhhh , tomorrow my plans include nothing planned, ahhhhh and Sunday, I want to rest after church!

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Thankful Thursday...

I am trying something new for Thursday's! Instead of the Thursday Thirteen... I am doing Thankful Thursday... things I am thankful for that happened this week!

For some reason this week is draggggggging by!! I haven't felt good since Sunday. However I am alive, that I am thankful for!! Work has been a bit stressful this week with ppl being out on vacation, but I am thankful I have a job! I am thankful my mama lives so close and that Cale loves her so much. Did I mention I am also Thankful that she cooks for us at least one night a week?? (tonight happens to be one of those nights!!) We had our taxes done Friday and I am SO THANKFUL for the surprise of how much we are getting back!! Which means I am THANKFUL that after almost 10 years I will be getting a new car soon!! PLUS we have enough to save for the strike. Please pray that things will get worked out before August and there will be no strike. I am Thankful that I can have Faith in the Lord concerning our next child. I have a friend whos Grandmother had a liver transplant on Tuesday night and today she is already out of ICU and DOING GREAT! Our God is SO Great. or as Cale sings... My God is so Great, so strong and so Mighty theres nothing my God cannot do! Have I mentioned lately how Thankful I am to be a wife and a mommy!! :)


Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Friday, February 6, 2009

Friday Fill In...

1. I'm looking forward to early release and Valentines Day next week.

2. I don't handle rude people very well.

3. Olive Garden Salad and breadsticks is something I could eat every day.

4. Warmth and sunlight are gonna be here this weekend! Woo Hoo!

5. Discover Mills here I come!

6. I will never have a tattoo(s).

7. And as for the weekend, tonight I'm looking forward to going to Discover Mills and out to dinner, tomorrow my plans include painting my table and chairs and Sunday, I want to relax after church with my boys!

Friday, January 30, 2009

Friday Fill In...

Week #1

1. Being a wife and mommy makes me happy.

2. I would like to sleep in tomorrow, please.

3. My dinner last night tasted SO good!

4. Friday is my favorite day of the week because I know I have the whole weekend to be with my boys.

5. My family is my best feature.

6. We could learn so much from just waiting on God.

7. And as for the weekend, tonight I'm looking forward to going to eat FREE Mexican then staying up late, cuddled on the couch watching TV, tomorrow my plans include going to get Circus Tickets! And shopping for my house! and Sunday, I want to go eat Japanese after church then take a nap!

Thursday, January 29, 2009

Thursday Thirteen...

13 of my Favorite things to eat!

1. Lemon Pepper Chicken Wings

2. Olive Garden Salad

3. Zaxby’s Buffalo Tenders with Ranch Dressing!

4. Pepperoncini peppers

5. Lemon Juice

6. Grapefruits

7. Chili Burger and onion Rings from the Varsity

8. Stuffed Mushrooms from Red Lobster

9. Garlic Biscuits from Red Lobster

10. Chips and Salsa at Chilis

11. Onion Blossom

12. Chef Boyardee Boxed Pepperoni Pizza

13. Roast with Mushroom Gravy

Ok… now I would like one of each! haha

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Monday, January 26, 2009

Not Me Monday... quick version!

It wasnt me who went to Ted's Montana Grill TWICE this weekend and both times were Free... Nope Not Me!

It wasnt me who got to spend the day with my mama shopping while Clint kept Cale for me... I have forgot what shopping was like with no kids! :)

It wasnt me who felt a HUGE seigh of relief when Jai got the dent out of mamas car!!

It wasnt ME who wore 2 DIFFERENT shoes to church last night..... NOT ME!!

Thursday, January 22, 2009

Thursday Thirteen...

Thirteen Things that made me happy this week!

  1. It’s a Payday Week!!
  2. I got to eat Olive Garden twice and got to eat Japanese!!
  3. I have worked out all the days I am supposed to!
  4. Our Church… and Pastors, Teen Revival
  5. Bought lots of new stuff for my house, ready to get workin on redecorating!!
  6. The Mexican restaurant wants to buy some of my old western stuff!
  7. Mama got a new baby and more interviews! She better save room for Callie!!
  8. The thought that mama might get a new car and that means I do too! Haha (I promise not to put a dent in this one)
  9. The manager at Georgia Telco
  10. Found out one of my best friend is having another BOY!!!
  11. Having a party tonight with friends!
  12. That even on the rough days, I married my best friend. Im thankful that God reminds me how lucky I am!
  13. Cale and his new dance moves in the car to Willie was a Whale!! LOL LOL LOL

Monday, January 19, 2009

President Bush

Today is a day of "Change" folks! I'm sad to say it is not the kind of Change I had hoped for! Today will be a celebration for many people, as for me, it's a sad day. I was honored to have President Bush as my president. People can say what they want about him. But he is a God fearing man with convictions. He protected us in the most devastating times we could imagine! He was the one we looked to for encouragement. You may not agree with the war, but I am sure it was something he prayed about more then you could imagine! It was the right decision. That is what America needs... a President who prays and seeks guidance from the Lord. Today, the day of "Change", I fear we no longer have a God fearing President. I think we have a president who thinks he is God. And the sad part is many americans praise him like he is God. I just hope America wakes up before it is too late. I will pray for our new President. I will support our new President on somethings and disagree on many I am sure. But today I am sad to see President Bush step down. I cannot begin to imagine the relief he must feel today. I am honored to have named my son after him. And honored to be an American who believed in him!!

Thursday, January 15, 2009


13 Random Things About Me...

1. I HATE Chocolate
2. I am a mommy to a cute little 2 1/2 year old!
3. I love my Church and Church Family
4. I was named after my Aunt Kim
5. I LOVE LOVE LOVE Olive Garden
6. I desperately want another baby in the future!
7. I am 28 years old
8. I have drove the same car for 9 YEARS!
9. My 10th Wedding Anniversary is coming up! June 19!!
10. I have a WONDERFUL family
11. I hate paying bills
12. I have had my job for almost 9 years!
13. Thinks adoption is a wonderful experience! and BLESSING!

Thursday, January 8, 2009

Thursday Thirteen...

13 Things I want to accomplish in 2009!

1. Be a better Christian
2. Pray in a way I never have before
3. Have more patience
4. Work out like I should!
5. Lose the weight I gained back :(
6. Have a new baby... or at least start the process
7. Hoping Clint will avoid the Strike in August
8. Get Cale potty trained!
9. Strive to be the wife and mommy the Lord wants me to be
10. Invite People to Church
11. Get Cales playground finished!
12. Get back on the Dave Ramsey program
13. Enjoy every moment I have with Clint and Cale... life is going by so quickly!

Thank you Lord for the wonderful Blessings in my life!

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Tubes are in!

Just wanted to let everyone know that Cale had his new tubes put in yesterday! He was such a trooper! Although it was tough getting him in his hospital gown, he wanted his dinosaur pj's back on! :) He did much better then last time on the way home, which was good because I was by myself on the ride home... Clint went on into work from the hospital! First stop was McDonalds for him some Chocolate Milk!! The Dr said everything went as planned and that he hoped this would be the last set for Cale. Thank you for all who prayed for him! Here are a couple of pictures from yesterday!
