My Great Aunt Louise passed away this past Saturday. I consider myself blessed to have not only known her, but to have loved her. The best part is, she loved me too. I have found myself thinking of her alot since she passed away. We went to Alabama for the funeral and when I saw her, she looked so pretty. She was not only pretty on the outside, but on the inside as well. Hearing what the preachers had to say about her only confirmed that. I have one regret, that is not taking Cale to see her before she got sick. I wish Cale had the opportunity to know her. She was such a special person to me and today I want to share 13 memories of my sweet Aunt Louise. I will miss her so much.
1. Her cooking... every time we visited I could always count on biscuits and salmon and eggs!!
2. Her quilts... I remember her beautiful quilts she made and her quilt holder on the ceiling.
3. I still remember one visit and she had this beautiful tree on her back patio. We asked her what it was and it was an orange tree! She said she was sitting out on the swing eating an orange and stuck a seed in the dirt and it grew!! She could grow anything!!
4. Speaking of plants, she had the prettiest yard! She worked in her yard all the time. I wish I could keep a yard as pretty as she did!
5. Her baby calf! one of the cows passed away after giving birth so she babied that little calf just like a mommy would her baby!! Bottle and All!
6. She was always staying busy. I cant recall a time we were there that she was just sitting around!
7. She thought the world of Clint... I was so thankful that she loved Clint the way she did. Clint always loved going to visit her and Uncle Monte Ray.
8. She might have been a little tiny lady, but she was stronger then most men!! haha
9. I remember when we went to Alabama and got CoCo. We went to her house afterwards and she made sure I had a blanket to keep her in so she would stay warm.
10. Her red couch out in the sunroom!
11. Her and Uncle Ray. She was such a strong person inside and out.
12. She always worried about everyone else and not herself! She wanted to make sure you were comfortable and her house and that you had everything you needed! Even if she had to cook it you would have it!!
13. And now my favorite. Her hugs!! When she hugged you, you could feel her love!! Monday night Cale was asking why she was sleeping and I tried to explain thru tears that she was with Jesus now. He just kept saying her can wake up now. Later that night I went to see her for the last time and Cale said, Her not hurt anymore mommy? I couldn't hold the tears in because he was right! She was with Jesus now and was rejoicing with NO PAIN!! She was with her mama her her husband and Jesus!! She was wonderful. Then Cale said he wanted to hug her! I thought in my mind about her hugs and what they meant to me and how bad I wish she could hug him too!
She will be missed by so many, but I know one day I will see her again!