This has been a trying week to say the least. Monday I started not to feel good and by Tuesday I was at the doctor with Strep and an ear infection! That followed by finding out my best friends sister in law lost her baby at 19 weeks and another friends dad was in the hospital not doing good. Sometimes you wonder how much more bad news you can hear in one day. Please pray for my friends family as they deal with the loss of their sweet baby and that they will not lose the desire they have for a child. I cannot begin to imagine the hurt they must be feeling. But I know the Lord has plans for them, and though we may not understand it, but this was part of that plan.
Also pray for my friend, Brittany's, dad that he will turn around. Pray that Brittany will stay strong thru this and not lose faith. He amazed the doctors a few years back with a liver transplant and I pray today he will amaze them once again. I know my God can work miracles, we have seen that.
Today is Good Friday. I think of the sacrifice Christ made for us and all that I have because of him. I am thankful that after a week like this that I can look to the Lord for encouragement. I hate to see my friends hurt like they are, but know that He can to encourage them as well.
I am looking forward to being with family this weekend as we celebrate the true meaning of Easter. Its not the Easter Bunny, the egg hunts or the new clothes. (don't get me wrong, I enjoy all these things!!!) But that our
Savior rose again!! I cant help but cry as I wrote that. I have SO MUCH to thank him for. And what a great feeling to know that even when my life here is over, my time with Him is just beginning. I pray that you have the same confirmation in your heart this Easter.
Happy Easter!