The last 2 months have been jammed packed!! Here are a few new pictures!

We went to Arkansas the week before Memorial Day to visit Clints grandparents! This was the first time we have been out there in 9 years and the first time they have seen Cale!! We had such a great time!! The weather was so nice. Cale enjoyed playing outside most of the day. It was a special time for all of us! We are looking forward to going back next summer!!

We celebrated our 10th Wedding Anniversary on June 19! I cant believe it has been 10 years already. I am so thankful that the Lord sent Clint into my life. I am so blessed to say the least. We left for the beach on the 18th, without Cale, just us! This was the first time I have been away for Cale for any length of time. He was with his mawmaw... so I knew he was happy! We had such a great trip! On our anniversary we went to our favorite place to eat on Tybee Island, the Crab Shack! It was so good!! It was funny because every little boy we seen reminded us of our little man! We talked alot about the things that have happened since we got married. We both agreed that we would go through it all again to have Cale. I am not sure how many men would have been so supportive during the tough times. The Lord knew just who I needed. I look forward to many more years with Clint.

Well, when we got back from the beach we went from relaxation mode to Pirate Birthday Planning mode!! I really do not know where the last 3 years have gone!! I always find myself reminiscing around Cale's birthday. Our time in Oklahoma is by far the most special experience I think we will ever have. I love to think back and see how the Lord was working long before we knew His plan for us. We serve an awesome God!!

Cale was so excited about his Pirate birthday. I am so glad I started preparing a few months before the actual party! He had asked for a Pirate Ship Cake, so of course a Pirate Ship Cake he will have! haha He walked in and seen the cake and said, "Mommy, you bought it for me??" with the sweetest look on his face. I didnt care what happened from that point... my baby loved his cake!! He had all his little friends at his party and had a ball!!! It amazes me how different he is since turning 3!!

This is Cale's face when he misses "His Lana". Barry and his family have moved back to Mississippi. As hard as it is to see them go, we feel it is the Lords will for them to be there. Cale will miss them so much too! We are excited to see what God has planned for them!!
We have started getting the word out that we would like to adopt again. There are so many things that need to work out, but we have faith that God has a way for us again! We are asking if you would just remember us if you hear of someone looking to place their baby up for adoption. Our specific prayer would be a situation thru a friend of a friend with no agency fees. We are looking forward to see what the future holds for us... whether it will be a Callee or a Cash!! I think Cale would like either!! :)
Hope you have a wonderful week!