Well Cale's first practice was interesting to say the least! He did pretty good... hopefully next week the coaches will be a little more helpful! Here is a couple of pictures of Cale!
What is the one thing that can make me smile no matter how bad of a mood I might be in??? Hearing Cale singing the songs he has learned at school. Anyone who is around Cale knows he LOVES to sing. It doesn't matter if hes in his bed going to sleep, taking a bath, playing or sitting in his classroom (when he should be listening to his teacher!), he is singing! It blesses my heart to hear him talk and sing about Jesus. I love to listen to him say (sing) his blessing and his prayers. Yesterday he started singing this one...
Who's the king of the jungle? WHO WHO WHO! Who's the king of the sea? BUBBA BUBBA BUBBA! Who's the king of the universe? JESUS!!!!!!! And He's the king of me!
We had our first home study meeting on March 3. It went great. This adoption is already proving to be much different then Cale's adoption. Its hard to believe it has been almost 5 years since we did our home study for Cale! Where has the time gone?! Things have changed alot since then, new laws, new paperwork and of course more money! This past week got the best of me. Trying to figure out how to get fingerprints done, FBI and GBI checks done and physicals! Who knew the wait for a physical would be over a month! I keep trying to remind myself that we aren't doing this on our own, the Lord has it all under control. But it is hard not to try to make things happen over night yourself! We have our next home study meeting on April 13 and then another seminar on April 23. Lots of trips to Macon... I look forward to the last trip we will make to Macon, the one where we get to bring home our precious daughter/son!
In the midst of all that we are planning a trip to Mississippi the middle of April to see our family! I cant wait to see them, it has been way too long! I think Cale is just as excited as I am! Speaking of Mr. Cale, this Tuesday he has his first t-ball practice! I am really looking forward to him playing t-ball! We all are!
Well I need to start dinner... I will end with, you guessed it... Cale singing! :)