Monday, February 15, 2010

A New Journey...

Well... We have officially begun the adoption process! We had our first seminar with our new agency last week. There were about 15 other families there. Out of the 15 families, there was only one other family besides us that had adopted before. Some families had biological children and felt lead to adopt, some were in the midst of fertility treatments and pursuing adoption at the same time not knowing how their baby would enter their lives. It was interesting to see how each of us had our own unique story that lead us to the same place, praying for the same outcome, a child to love.

The seminar was very informative. We left with excitement in our hearts and some of our fears eased. We have talked about requesting a girl, and since this could be our last adoption, (sigh), we decided that's what we would do. Although, we aren't completely against having another boy if that is Gods plan for us!

The paper work is a little overwhelming! Im sure we had just as much when we started the adoption process with Cale, but that has been almost 5 years ago. Wow... where has the time gone? We have our first home study visit at the agency on March 3. If all goes according to the schedule we are on, our profile book will start being shown to birthmothers in May! We have alot to before baby Callee or baby Cash get here!! Please be praying for us as we start our new journey.

What a comfort it is knowing it's all in God's hands.


Here are a couple of pictures from Christmas and the snow we got this past weekend!!

All the kids at Christmas!

Cale had a blast sliding down our front yard!
