Thursday, September 30, 2010

Things Are Looking Up!!

Well... the past few months have been interesting to say the least! Im pretty much writing this past summer off! We had a busy summer even with everything that was going on with me. I will say being able to spend time with Cale this summer was awesome. We went to Arkansas, Mississppi and Tybee Island. We were so excited that we had family in town to celebrate Cale's 4th birthday. We had to cancel his party due to my health issues, but it ended up being a great party! I cant believe Cale is 4!!!

Here are a few pictures from our Summer!!

I LOVE this picture!

This was about all the water he wanted to play in... he did not like the ocean!

He sure loves his Mawmaw and Pawpaw in Mississippi!

I love this saying... its so true!

The Birthday boy!!

having fun at Grandma and Grandpas house in Arkansas!

We sure miss them! :(

Cale started Pre-K this year. We had a really hard time putting him in public school this year. We LOVED the school he attended the past 2 years, but we knew with the upcoming adoption cost we just couldnt afford it. He has done great adjusting. I will say I miss him coming home with Jesus on his mind... one of the major downfalls of public schools! But we talk to him about Jesus at home and he has great teachers at church! Cale is also riding the bus! I didnt cry the first day of school like I thought I would... but the first morning he rode the bus... I bawled!!! Seeing that bus drive away with my baby in it was hard! I was able to go eat lunch with him last week, I was amazed at how big he was. I love being able to pick him up from school 2 days a week.
First Day of Pre-K

On the Big Yellow Bus... he was so excited! :)

We were able to finish up our adoption meetings this week!! What a relief that was! We should have our book out to be seen in 3-4 weeks... then all we can do is wait and pray!! We are looking forward to welcoming a new baby into our family. :)

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