Thursday, January 22, 2009

Thursday Thirteen...

Thirteen Things that made me happy this week!

  1. It’s a Payday Week!!
  2. I got to eat Olive Garden twice and got to eat Japanese!!
  3. I have worked out all the days I am supposed to!
  4. Our Church… and Pastors, Teen Revival
  5. Bought lots of new stuff for my house, ready to get workin on redecorating!!
  6. The Mexican restaurant wants to buy some of my old western stuff!
  7. Mama got a new baby and more interviews! She better save room for Callie!!
  8. The thought that mama might get a new car and that means I do too! Haha (I promise not to put a dent in this one)
  9. The manager at Georgia Telco
  10. Found out one of my best friend is having another BOY!!!
  11. Having a party tonight with friends!
  12. That even on the rough days, I married my best friend. Im thankful that God reminds me how lucky I am!
  13. Cale and his new dance moves in the car to Willie was a Whale!! LOL LOL LOL

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